
Good coaches change your body; great coaches change your life

Taking the opportunity to work with Leslie is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. As someone who has been overweight my whole life, I didn’t think my problem could be fixed. I didn’t believe that I could ever maintain a healthy relationship with food, but it’s happening! What Leslie is doing is the real deal. I worked with her for 6 months and in that time I lost around 32 pounds, but what I gained was a lifetime of healthy eating habits that I can live happily with. I am never deprived of anything and I’m able to maintain my new eating habits effortlessly. Working with Leslie changed my life and I am forever grateful.

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Anna Branum

The gift you gave me — you taught me how to love myself more. You helped me quiet the horrible roommate in my head that treated me like dirt.

You taught me to talk to myself with the same kindness I show my best friends. You taught me that in loving myself more — I would see change — both mentally and physically. That was a transformative gift I can’t thank you enough for.

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Aubrey Allen

My life has completely changed, slowly but surely. I could go on and on about how my life is different in many areas due to the program.

I used to think about food 60-70% of my day. Now, it barely takes up any brain space. 

I used to take pictures of myself way too often, doing body checks, and have since stopped doing them. I don’t need to. I can actually SEE the change now. I’m so glad my friend told me about your program.

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Leslie has given me lifting advice that has significantly helped me to improve my physique. Her exercise selection alone has made a huge difference in my progress in the gym. I like to think of her as the ‘Booty Master.’ She truly has a gift for helping others achieve the best version of themselves!

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Christine White

I bought these jeans a few months back and can’t believe I can’t wear them without a belt! This program has been life-changing.

I’m excited to see how I do in the next few months. Who knew this was possible without dieting? My only regret is that I didn’t join sooner.

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Deishall Brown

I’m not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that joining Leslie’s Friends with Benefits program was the best investment that I’ve made in years. If you are struggling with your relationship with food or self-image issues or if you just want to be free from the years of failed diets and calorie counting – Leslie is your person!

When I started, every meal was a struggle. I had so much guilt attached to what I ate. I would eat things that I liked only to then suffer through hours of guilt and second guessing myself afterwards. The worst part was that I knew what to do. I’m a physician who helps patients lose weight every single day, but I couldn’t be objective with myself and my struggles. I kept on telling myself to “try harder” and was internalizing my “failures” as evidence of a lack of “willpower”. I would never tell my patients this – because it simply isn’t true.

Leslie helped me get out of my own head and work through the emotional and psychological barriers that I was placing in my own way. She made me feel supported EVERY step of the way and personalized the journey based on my needs. I am only 10 months into this journey, but I am a completely different person. My habits have significantly improved throughout my whole day. I eat whatever I want – without logging my food or counting calories or having to cut out food groups – and have lost close to 10 pounds. I am more present in my life. I can actually enjoy the food in my life again.

The desire to lose weight is what made me sign up in the first place, but the true benefits of the program are much deeper and more important. My weight and food no longer have control over my life. I’m the healthiest that I’ve been in years. I’m a better partner, friend, physician, and person. If any of this resonates with you, please sign up for this program! You won’t regret it. 

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Dr. Roma Amin

Although I lost 32 pounds following Leslie on Instagram, so many psychological changes have happened since joining Friends With Benefits. Leslie helped me discover blind spots in my eating habits and allowed me to see specific areas where I still needed to improve. And while I never had an “eating disorder,” Leslie helped me see I had a disordered relationship with food. A lot of her recommendations were counterintuitive and included “hard pills to swallow,” but in the long run it has been much easier than yo-yo dieting. I’m excited to experience MORE mental and physical progress as I continue to move forward through the Friends With Benefits program.

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Emily Howe

I’m a 53 year-old Grandma to 10 little ones and I was able to lose 40 pounds working with Leslie Hooper. Hiring her was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After 40 years of dieting, I no longer feel restricted or deprived. I can eat anything I want; she taught me how to get out of my head and listen to my body. I’ve been able to keep the weight off for over 6 months now. I can’t recommend her coaching enough. She’s completely changed my life.

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Jill Frampton

Since participating in the program, I now know that if I want to be truly happy, the answer doesn’t lie at the bottom of the bag of candy. The answer lies with filling my life with things that bring me joy and an understanding of why the things that don’t, don’t.

I’ve stopped weighing myself, I don’t need to clean my plate, I’m not afraid to eat the foods I avoided when dieting, I only eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m full. I no longer have urges to snack all day.

Her program has been life-changing. It’s been such a wild and crazy ride of self-discovery but now that I can hear my body talking to me, I’m never going to ignore it again. Leslie released me from diet hell, and I’m never going back.

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Kristen Blooms

After publicly sharing her story, Laura has been embracing the power of vulnerability. What was once perceived as her greatest “weakness” has now become her greatest “strength.” After years of extreme dieting, she has been able to transform her life from the inside-out and eagerly wants to help you, too.

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Laura Kalirai

I went into the Friends With Benefits program wanting to lose weight, but in the end I transformed my mind, body, and lifestyle. I don’t emotionally eat, binge eat, or even really overeat anymore. No foods are off limits, and I learned how to eat for weight loss and maintenance. Even better, my self-esteem and self-talk have dramatically shifted to a more positive outlook. And the cherry on top was that my body got smaller in the process! (Plus, with the workouts, I got stronger and more toned). Now I feel confident about going into any situation with food and I know I can manage my weight for the rest of my life. I’m so glad I did this for myself!

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Thanks for all of your support over the past 6 months. I am so glad I chose you and your program for coaching. Of all the Instagram accounts out there, I just love that your program focuses on sustainable habits and weight loss at the same time.

Before I signed up for your program, you were the only Instagram account that I could agree / relate to ALL of your content. There were other accounts that I enjoyed but then they would make a post about counting calories, it’s okay to emotionally, weighing yourself everyday, etc that I just couldn’t get on board with.

I’ve also worked with awesome dieticians but I felt like I couldn’t fully open up about my binging and obsessive thoughts around food and my body because they couldn’t relate. I love that you’re so honest about your past, you understand my struggles and don’t make me feel like I’m crazy.

I love that you are straight up and tell me to chill out when I need to hear it. I always feel more comfortable around people that swear, so that was a bonus as well. I think you’re such an awesome person. Your stories about being a struggling single mom to this successful business owner/ entrepreneur is incredibly inspiring.

Thank you for doing what you do. You have had such an impact on my life. You have helped me change both mentally and physically. I am excited to keep working with you and Eileen. 

Thank you so much for everything. 

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Mallory Mueller

That “before” body is a place I’ll never return to. 20 weeks into Leslie Hooper’s Friends With Benefits online group coaching program and I’m now down 22 pounds and 18 inches — with more on the way! No calorie counting. No boring cardio. No forbidden foods. Just hard work, consistency, and changing my habits one-by-one. Her coaching has been life-changing. Every day I wake up excited to be in this body! I’ve not only lost stubborn fat and gained muscle, but I’ve learned to love myself through the process. Some days it doesn’t even feel like work. I still have a long way to go, but I am much further than where I started. Thank you, Leslie, for giving me the gift of happiness and confidence in my body.

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Megan Ritchie

The weight loss I always said I ‘could’ have done on my own, but only because I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. The truth is, I could have done it on my own, but it would have taken a HELL of a lot longer, and it would have 100% been a more painful experience.

I’m still progressing physically, but the mental work was done a few months back at the end of the program, and now I’m feeling and seeing the physical changes more consistently. I have an overwhelming gratitude for Leslie Hooper for the encouragement, support, and direction.

The physical changes are great, but if you could see how I feel on the inside — that would be far more transformative than how I look.

The lessons I’m continuing to learn about myself; the acceptance I feel in myself; how I actually feel about myself; how I actually like myself; it’s everything.

I feel like a brand new person. I can’t believe how different I am in six short months. This program has literally been the best thing I have ever signed up for in my whole entire life, because it showed me how to change from the inside out. 

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Miriam Blyth

Leslie Hooper’s program was the change I needed. Being a busy father of 7 children didn’t leave me with much free time, but with Leslie’s guidance and support, she always made sure I was progressing optimally week to week. In the program, I was able to drop over 30 pounds and lost 5 inches around my waist without food restrictions and long hours in the gym. This is just the beginning! Working with Leslie is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. My only regret is that I didn’t hire her sooner.

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Mitch Mcculley

One of the best things I ever learned from you was trusting my body’s hunger and fullness levels, because our body is its own “calorie counter.” I don’t even remember the last time I read a food label or calculated them. This program has been so liberating! Joining FWB was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

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Olivia Pereira

I never thought it was possible to get into my dream body, but with Leslie’s guidance, I was able to stop stress eating and lose over 40 pounds. And the best part? I’ve now kept it off for over 4 years. Leslie didn’t just help me& lose weight; she helped me lose unhealthy habits and self-limiting beliefs. Working with her has been the best investment I’ve ever made. She is life-changing.

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Sarah Devillier

Think you can’t get into amazing shape after having a baby? I did. Thanks to Leslie’s help, I lost 43 pounds in 10 months with at-home workouts and have now kept it off for over two years.

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Shenee Mackey

The best thing I ever did for my mental health, personal development, and overall well-being is hire Leslie Hooper as my coach.

I thought I was signing up for a food freedom and strength training program, and what I received was a brand new life, in the best way possible.

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Stephanie Curry