EPISODE 144: Client Interview with Tracey Martin

In last week’s episode, I interviewed client, Sarah Cheikh, on how she was able to transition from a food-obsessed chronic dieter to someone who feels completely in control in any dining scenario while effortlessly maintaining her weight through the power of habit.

This week, I’m excited to share the interview of Unstuffed client, Tracey Martin, on her unique experience in my group coaching program.

As you know, no two dieters are the same and we all have different challenges, backgrounds, habits, lifestyles, and emotional eating struggles. Tracey was kind enough to open up and share some of hers.

Topics discussed:

  1. Why Tracey decided to join the program and how it turned out to be exactly what she needed to stop bouncing up and down the scale….and commit to unraveling her emotional ties to food.
  2. Tracey shares some of her biggest challenges in the program and how starting the program imperfectly was the breakthrough she didn’t know she needed.
  3. At what point in the process she witnessed her relationship with food beginning to shift and how she’s been able to overcome her self-limiting beliefs and history of self-sabotage.
  4. Tracey also discusses why this process “worked” when others never did.
  5. Her best piece of advice for those who fear gaining weight if they stop macro/calorie counting, and why confronting this fear is essential for long-term success.

    Thanks again to Tracey for being a guest and sharing her valuable insights. Be sure to give this episode a listen and let us know what topics you’d like us to cover in the future.


Weight loss

Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

Train your brain to eat like a “naturally thin” person

Take our 3-minute quiz and end the battle with your weight for good.

  • Become a magical unicorn that can just stop at one cookie
  • Build fat loss habits that make losing weight easy and permanent
  • Never download another weight loss app again
  • Don’t wait until Monday to get “back on track”
1. What is your goal?  
2. What gender do you identify with?  
3. What is your age?  
4. Having something to look forward to can be a big motivator to stick to your plan. Do you have an important event coming up?  
Please answer all questions to proceed
5. Our program, Unstuffed, uses psychology to understand your eating habits and personalize your plan. When do you typically feel an urge to grab a snack?  
6. What typically triggers your urge to snack and nibble?  
7. Have any life events led to weight gain in the last few years? (Choose all that apply)  
8. How long has it been since you were at your ideal weight? (Choose all that apply)  
Please answer all questions to proceed
9. Which statement best describes you?  
10. Which statement best describes you?  
11. Which statement best describes you?  
12. Which statement best describes you?  
Please answer all questions to proceed
13. Which statement best describes you?  
14. Which statement best describes you?  
15. Which statement best describes you?  
16. Which statement best describes you?  
17. Which statement best describes you?  
Please answer all questions to proceed
Enter your email to receive your diet personality assessment:  
First Name  

We’ll also be sending you scientifically proven tools to help you get started:

  • Lose the Diet, Gain a Life: 7 Steps to Food Freedom. A guide on how to eat and think like a “naturally thin” person without ever having to diet again.
  • Psychology-based Audio Lessons to take your first steps towards weight loss success.
Take The Quiz